35 Basic & Common Spanish Phrases for Traveling in Mexico

Are you planning a trip to Mexico soon? Whether you’re heading to the beaches of Cancún, the ruins of Chichén Itzá, or the colorful streets of Mexico City, learning some basic and common Spanish phrases can go a long way in making your trip more enjoyable and memorable.
In this blog post, I’ve compiled the most essential Spanish phrases for traveling in Mexico. From greetings and basic phrases to ordering food and drinks, getting around, negotiating while shopping, dealing with medical emergencies, and making small talk with locals, these phrases will help you communicate with confidence and connect with the culture.
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Have You Got These Items For Your Trip Yet?
- Credit Card: I recommend Chase Sapphire Preferred®
- Flights & Accommodations: I recommend Expedia
- Car Rental: I recommend Discover Cars
- Travel Accessories: I recommend Amazon Coupons
- Tours/Experiences: I recommend Viator

Greetings & Basic Spanish Phrases
Let’s start with the basics. Here are some essential Spanish phrases for greeting people and making polite conversation:
- Hola (oh-lah) – Hello
- Buenos días (bway-nos dee-as) – Good morning
- Buenas tardes (bway-nas tar-days) – Good afternoon/evening
- Buenas noches (bway-nas no-chays) – Good night
- Por favor (por fah-vor) – Please
- Gracias (grah-see-as) – Thank you
- De nada (day nah-dah) – You’re welcome
- Adiós (ah-dee-ohs) – Goodbye

Common Spanish Phrases for Ordering Food
One of the best parts of traveling to Mexico is trying the delicious local cuisine. Here are some useful Spanish phrases for ordering food and drinks in restaurants and cafes:
- Quiero un café, por favor (kee-air-oh oon kah-fay por fah-vor) – I’d like a coffee, please
- La cuenta, por favor (lah kwen-tah por fah-vor) – The bill, please
- ¿Qué recomiendas? (kay ray-koh-mee-en-das) – What do you recommend?
- Está rico (es-tah ree-koh) – It’s delicious
- Está muy picante (es-tah moo-ee pee-kahn-tay) – It’s so spicy
Common Spanish Phrases for Getting Around
Navigating a new place can be challenging, but these Spanish phrases will help you get around in Mexico with ease:
- ¿Dónde está el baño? (don-day es-tah el bahn-yo) – Where is the bathroom?
- ¿Cuánto cuesta un taxi? (kwan-to kways-tah oon tah-xee) – How much does a taxi cost?
- ¿A qué hora sale el próximo autobús? (ah kay oh-rah sah-lay el proks-ee-moh au-to-boos) – What time does the next bus leave?
- La estación de tren está lejos? (lah es-tah-see-ohn day trayn es-tah lay-hos) – Is the train station far?
Mexico Travel Hacks
👉 Hotels: Save 50-60% off on your next hotel stay with Priceline Express Deals! They offer great discounts by hiding the hotel’s name till you pay, but don’t worry, you can avoid the uncertainty by using my Priceline Express Deals Guide to reveal the hidden hotel before booking!
👉 Travel Insurance: No one wants to think about what could go wrong on a vacation, but accidents can happen anywhere, at any time. It’s honestly not worth taking the risks when you can be covered for cheap, and I recommend Safety Wing for budget-conscious travelers.
👉 Rental Car: Protect yourself from car rental scams in Mexico! Most car rental agencies won’t accept Collision Damage Waiver Insurance (which usually comes with U.S travel credit cards). They will upsell insurance if you arrive at pick-up without one. Avoid losing time and money by getting the best car rental rates and full coverage insurance for just $7/day with Discover Cars.
👉 Sunscreen: Sunscreen in Mexico can cost you 2-4 times more than in the States. Plus, some tour operators and guards won’t let you enter protected water with non reef-safe sunscreen. To save you money, protect your skin, and ensure a seamless water-filled adventure, I highly recommend packing SPF 50 reef-friendly sunscreen.
Spanish Phrases for Negotiating Prices
Mexico is a shopper’s paradise, with vibrant markets, street vendors, and artisan shops selling everything from souvenirs to high-end fashion. But haggling and negotiating is often expected, so it’s important to know some basic Spanish phrases to get the best deals and avoid overpaying.
- ¿Cuánto cuesta? (kwahn-toh kweh-stah) – How much does it cost?
- Es muy caro (ess moo-ee kah-roh) – It’s so expensive
- ¿Me puedes dar un descuento? (may poo-eh-days dar oon dess-kwento) – Can you give me a discount?
- Es mi último precio (ess mee loo-eh-stoh preh-see-oh) – It’s my last price
- Gracias, pero es demasiado (grah-see-ahs, peh-roh ess deh-mah-see-ah-doh) – Thank you, but it’s too much
It’s also important to remember to be polite and respectful, even when negotiating. Start by greeting the vendor with a friendly “Hola” (oh-lah) or “Buenos días” (bway-nohs dee-ahs), and remember to say “Por favor” (pohr fah-vohr) when asking for something and “Gracias” (grah-see-ahs) when receiving it.
And if you’re not comfortable negotiating, don’t worry! Some established shops have fixed prices, so you can simply ask “¿Cuánto cuesta?” (How much does it cost?) and decide if it’s within your budget.
By learning some basic Spanish phrases for negotiating and shopping, you’ll not only get better deals but also connect with locals and gain a deeper appreciation for Mexico’s rich culture and traditions.

Basic Spanish Phrases for Medical Emergencies
No one likes to think about getting sick or injured while traveling, but accidents and illnesses can happen anywhere. That’s why it’s important to know some basic Spanish phrases for medical emergencies, so you can communicate with doctors and healthcare professionals if the need arises.
- Necesito un médico (neh-seh-see-toh oon meh-dee-koh) – I need a doctor
- ¿Dónde está el hospital más cercano? (dohn-deh ess-tah ehl oh-spee-tahl mahs sehr-kah-noh) – Where is the nearest hospital?
- Tengo dolor de cabeza (tehn-goh doh-lor deh kah-beh-sah) – I have a headache
- Me duele el estómago (may doo-eh-leh ehl ess-toh-mah-goh) – My stomach hurts
- Tengo una alergia (tehn-goh oo-nah ah-lehr-hee-ah) – I have an allergy
It’s also important to know some basic medical vocabulary, such as “dolor” (pain), “sangre” (blood), “fiebre” (fever), and “medicamento” (medication). And if you have any pre-existing medical conditions, allergies, or medications, make sure to write them down or carry a card with you in case of an emergency.
Make sure that your phone can work in Mexico, and in case of an emergency, call the local emergency services number, which is 911 in Mexico. If you need medical attention but it’s not an emergency, you can go to a pharmacy (farmacia) or a clinic (clínica) for advice and treatment.
By learning some basic Spanish phrases for medical emergencies, you’ll be prepared for any unexpected health issues and be able to communicate with healthcare professionals if necessary. Stay safe and healthy on your travels!
Spanish Phrases for Making Small Talks
Finally, don’t be afraid to strike up a conversation with locals and practice your Spanish. Here are some Spanish phrases for making small talk:
- ¿Cómo te llamas? (koh-moh tay yah-mas) – What’s your name?
- ¿De dónde eres? (day don-day eh-rays) – Where are you from?
- ¿Qué te gusta hacer? (kay tay goo-stah ah-sayr) – What do you like to do.
- Me gusta la playa (may goo-stah lah play-yah) – I like the beach
- Me encanta la comida mexicana (may en-kahn-tah lah koh-mee-dah may-hee-kah-nah) – I love Mexican food
- ¿Hablas inglés? (ah-blahs een-glays) – Do you speak English?
- No hablo español muy bien (no ah-bloh es-pahn-yol moo-ee bee-en) – I don’t speak Spanish very well
Remember, learning some basic Spanish phrases will not only help you communicate with locals but also show that you respect and appreciate their language and culture. Don’t worry if you make mistakes or stumble over your words, the important thing is to try and have fun with it!
The Wrap-Up: Basic & Common Spanish Phrases for Travel to Mexico
If you’re planning a trip to Mexico, take some time to learn these essential Spanish phrases. You’ll be surprised how far a little effort can go in making your trip more enjoyable and authentic. ¡Buen viaje! (Have a good trip!)
As always, if you have any questions or would like to share your own tips for traveling in Mexico, feel free to leave a comment below. And don’t forget to subscribe to my blog for more travel tips and inspiration. ¡Hasta la próxima! (Until next time!)
Mexico Travel Resources
- Cancun vs Playa del Carmen vs Cozumel: Which Vacation Spot is Best for You?
- Mexico Power Outlet: Which Plug is Used in Mexico?
- The Ultimate Guide for Las Grutas Tolantongo – Hidalgo Mexico Hot Springs
- Is Cancun Safe? 21 Dumb Mistakes to Avoid in Cancun
- 37 Top Things to Do & Best Places to Visit in Cancun
- What to See & Do in Cozumel on A Day Trip!
- The Maldives of Mexico: Is Bacalar Lagoon worth visiting?
- The Ultimate Guide for A Magical Xcaret Wedding in Mexico!
- 10 Magical Cenotes/Underwater Caves in Mexico
- Isla Mujeres vs Cozumel: Which Island to Choose for Vacation?